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Deus Ex Musica is an ecumenical project that promotes the used of a scared music as a resource for learning, spiritual growth, and discipleship.


Delvyn Case

Founder & Director

Composer, Conductor, Writer, Scholar, Speaker

Professor of Music, Wheaton College, Massachusetts

Joshua Rodriguez


Co-Artistic Director

Associate Professor Elmhurst University


Sr. Meave Louise Heaney

Theologian and Musician

Lecturer, Australian Catholic University

Mary Montgomery Koppel

Assistant Professor of Music, Gordon College

Lecturer, Boston University College of Fine Arts

Isai Jess Munoz


Former Director, Sacred in Opera Initiative, National Opera Association

Interim Dean of Music, Berklee College of Music

Casey Robards

Pianist and Vocal Coach

Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Illinois

Junius Johnson

Scholar, Author, and Musician

Julian Reid

Artist-Theologian, pianist and producer, The JuJu Exchange

Sarah Bereza

Musicologist, Writer, and Church musician


Jeremy Begbie, Theologian/Musician

Thomas A. Langford Distinguished Research Professor of Theology, Duke Divinity School

Richard Danielpour, Composer

Professor of Composition, UCLA,

Grammy winner

John Harbison, Composer/Conductor

Institute Professor of Music, MIT

Pulitzer Prize winner

Fr. Ivan Moody, Composer/Conductor/Musicologist

Past Chairman, International Society for Orthodox Church Music